My Ryxali Neighbour on Earth

On Earth, Arthur stands in his kitchen, gazing out of a small window into a narrow alleyway. A converted attic has become his new home. The previous evening was a quiet one for Arthur, having chosen to spend most of it in his chair, the only place to sit besides the bed, mostly adjusting to his new form and reading. This sedentary time was followed by a long night’s rest. At first, Arthur felt dumbfounded that a limited existence should be interrupted so often by a need for unconscious rest. That is, until he had his first dream.

Arthur decides he should be upright for his morning coffee. He knows that, in the wider scheme of things, choosing to spend a mealtime on one's feet imparts little benefit in the way of counteracting a more inactive existence. What Arthur needs is movement and today he hopes to overcome the hesitance, the heaviness he’s been feeling since his departure.

Arthur places his cup in the sink and turns to walk the short distance to his bag, already packed and ready by the door. He exits, locks the door behind him and begins the narrow and awkward descent to the outside.


Another muggy day, he thinks to himself as he steps out into the still, humid air. A few moments into his very short journey to the supermarket, Arthur feels a dampness on his brow and underneath his arms. He lets out a long sigh as he enters the supermarket. The cooler, air-conditioned interior is relieving, though it also makes this body tense. The burden of occupying such a reactive and responsive form; it is frustrating and this very frustration is exciting to him. He couldn't think of a single thing that could evoke such a feeling on Ryxa.

He begins making his way through the supermarket, taking pleasure in walking among so many other Earthen beings. So varied, focussed, and elusive. Briefly, he wishes he could read intent like the beings on Brak, though he appreciates the added mystery and enjoyment that comes from navigating the unforeseeable.

Arthur is browsing the fruit aisle. The colours are vivid and he’s actively trying to not be mesmerised into stillness. Standing still for too long and staring did not work out so well for Arthur the first time he visited the supermarket. He aggravated many Earthen beings which, though amusing, he knew was not favourable to having natural interactions or forming relationships.

Prior to his arrival on Earth, Arthur had not read any accounts of the humans finding long-term partnership or belonging within supermarkets. However, no record explicitly stated that supermarkets couldn’t be a place to meet people. Since the humans derived so much pleasure from the acquisition, preparation and consumption of food, why not try and meet them at the first stage and hope they’d invite him along for the following ones.

Every now and then Arthur glances upwards. Faces. Bodies. None paying him any particular mind. Around him he catches snippets of conversation.

" … mushy, no wonder they're reduced."

" - every morning. Yeah. The whole thing. Honestly, better than any over-the-counter laxa- "

He looks back down at the orange he's holding and wonders whether the fruit aisle is the best place for spontaneous conversation. As he readies himself to move on, he glances back up again only to catch someone's gaze. Taller than the average human, their expression is unreadable. Arthur did learn, in those early days, that locking eyes with a human did not mean an invitation to talk. The humans would quickly look away and avoid the chance of it happening again.

He lowers his gaze then, but something he can't name makes him look back up. The person still has their gaze steadily on him. Now this was unusual.